Stephen Julich
Our People

Stephen Julich

Core Faculty

East-West Psychology

School of Consciousness and Transformation


Phone: 415-575-6189


Stephen Julich is Core faculty in East-West Psychology at the California Institute of Integral Studies, specializing in Western Esotericism and Jungian Studies. Dr. Julich has worked as an adjunct instructor in History and Anthropology at the City College of New York, as a lecturer in Jungian Studies at the University of Philosophical Research in Los Angeles, and as an adjunct instructor in East-West Psychology at the California Institute of Integral Studies. Currently, he teaches classes on mysticism, the Western magical traditions, subtle beings and worlds, the religious imagination, and the work of Jungian analyst Marie-Louise von Franz. His areas of interest are the psychology of myth, dream, and symbol, and the place of the imagination in the generation and transformation of religious forms and ideas. His current research is in magic and mysticism as cross-cultural phenomena with a special emphasis on contemporary trends.


Julich, S. (2021). The incarnation of Sophia in the works of C. G. Jung. In D. Banerji & R. McDermott (Eds.), Philo-Sophia: Wisdom goddess traditions. Lotus Press. Julich, S. (2020). An alchemy of heaven on nature's base: Intimations of the universal opus in the integral yoga and the divine life in man in the work of C. G. Jung. In D. Banerji (Ed.). Integral yoga psychology: Metaphysics and as taught by Sri Aurobindo. Lotus Press.