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Our People

Ishtar Kramer

Core Faculty

East-West Psychology

School of Consciousness and Transformation


Phone: 415-575-6189


Ishtar Kramer joined the East-West Psychology Program as core faculty in 2016. Prior to that Ishtar taught as adjunct faculty for the program, and as well taught at Naropa University.
As a scholar/activist, spiritual seeker and aspiring decolonial educator whose vision is aligned with the praxis of decoloniality and relationality, Ishtar’s integral transformative pedagogy coalesces at the intersections of decolonial depth psychology, earth based psychospiritual midwifery, embodied liberatory pedagogy, contemplative traditions, anti-racist pedagogies, Jungian dreamwork and storytelling. In response to the wound of modernity, Ishtar seeks ways to unsettle and disrupt the ontological war against life, by designing, participating, collaborating and creating spaces where decoloniality can truly happen. Ishtar aspires to support the process of un-learning and un-doing, such that students can re-store and re-story their own narratives, exploring relational ontologies which emphasize and support ways of being and reciprocity that sustain flourishing lifeways amongst all beings.